
您现在的位置:首页 > 产品中心 > 原子吸收光谱耗材 > 美国PE光谱耗材配件 > 02900540美国原子光谱耗材代理耗材配件


  • 更新时间:  2024-06-08
  • 产品型号:  02900540
  • 简单描述
  • 美国原子光谱耗材代理耗材配件美国公司|代理圣宾仪器科技(上海)有限公司销售的美国光谱耗材包括美国石墨管、美国横向加热石墨管、美国纵向加热石墨管、美国石墨锥、美国元素灯空心阴极灯、美国样品杯、美国雾化器、美国进样泵管、美国废液泵管、美国泵油、美国进样针、美国矩管等美国耗材全系列产品,原装产品,*。


适用仪器        订货号           描述
AA Consumable   02900540 Standard AA Test Mix 125 mL 美国原子光谱耗材代理耗材配件 
AA Consumable   02902136 EPNDORF PITS 10 UL  
AA Consumable 02902140 EPNDORF PITS 50 UL  
AA Consumable 02902149 Clear Pit Tips, Pkg.1000  
AA Consumable 03030135 Nebulizer Cleaning Wires, Pkg. 5  
AA Consumable 03030402 Corrosion-Resistant Capillary Assembly  
AA Consumable 03030870 Lamp Adapter Kit  
AA Consumable 03030957 Shipping Container Atomizer  
AA Consumable 03030998 Sys 2 EDL Driver Assembly Ext. Cable  
AA Consumable 03031573 N20 Burner Head Cleaner  
AA Consumable 03031804 Sample Tube Holder  
AA Consumable 03031920 Corrosion-Resistant Venturi  
AA Consumable 03032017 Tag Warning  
TEA Consumable 03190025 Graphite Pans & Covers, Pkg. 4  
TEA Consumable 03190026 Copr Pans & Covers, Pkg. 200  
TEA Consumable 03190029 LG Vol SS Pans, Covers, O-Rings, Pkg.100  
TEA Consumable 03190030 Sample Holder Cover Tool  
TEA Consumable 03190031 Platinum Sample Covers, Pkg. 6  
TEA Consumable 03190033 Indium DSC Calibration Ref. Material  
TEA Consumable 03190034 Tin DSC Calibration Reference Materials  
TEA Consumable 03190035 Lead DSC Calibration Reference Materials 589.6TEA Consumable 03190036 Zinc DSC Calibration Reference Materials  
TEA Consumable 03190218 LVC SS Capsules, Pkg. 20  
TEA Consumable 03190329 Large Volume SS O-Ring Kit, Pkg. 20  
TEA Consumable 03190330 Large Volume SS O-Ring Kit, Pkg. 100  
TEA Consumable 03191024 Gloves with Arms, Size 9  
TEA Consumable 03191027 Gloves Only, Size 9  
TEA Consumable 03191525 Pan Sell Kit  
TEA Consumable 03191526 Sell Kit Cover 03190329  
TEA Consumable 03191535 O-Ring Sell Kit 03190329/0330  
GC Consumable 03300806 8mm Crimp PTFE/Rubber Caps, Pkg. 1000  
GC Consumable 03300904 Activated Charcoal  
GC Consumable 03300905 2 oz. Bottle of Silanized Glass Wool  
GC Consumable 03302737 Silanized Glass Wool Label  
GC Consumable 03302775 PID Lamp Cleaning Compound  
GC Consumable 03303773 Scial Nut  
GC Consumable 03305181 Glass Liner, 4 mm each  
UVS Consumable 03501646 Xenon Lamp  
AA Consumable 04010062 Kimwis EX-L Delicate Task Wir /1Pack  
ICP Consumable 04010821 Cotton Gloves, Qty.1  
TEA Consumable 04190165 100 mm 3 Platinum Liner, Pkg. 10  
TEA Consumable 04190166 60 mm 3 Alumina Liner, Pkg. 6  
TEA Consumable 04190197 Aluminum Oxide Powder  
TEA Consumable 04190299 Platinum Sample Covers Vent, Pkg. 2  
TEA Consumable 04190387 60 mm Alumina Liner, Pkg. 25  
TEA Consumable 04190388 100 mm Alumina Liner, Pkg. 25  
TEA Consumable 04191290 60 mm Alumina Liner  
TEA Consumable 04191291 100 mm Alumina Liner  
GC Consumable 04541812 4M COPR TUBE 1/8 IN  
GC Consumable 04541813 15M COPR TUBE 1/8 IN  
GC Consumable 04541818 20FT X1/8ST STEEL TUBE  
GC Consumable 04541820 2MX1/16 O/DX0.040 I/D TUBE  
IR Consumable 04800514 Set of O-Rings for 13 mm Die  
IR Consumable 04810949 Potassium Bromide llet Holder  
IR Consumable 04820519 Set of Upr and Lower Anvils  
IR Consumable 04821008 Luer Fitting Plug, Pkg. 6  
IR Consumable 04821131 Quick Nut Release  
IR Consumable 04821132 Window Aligner  
GC Consumable 04901088 75ML PORAPAK N 50-80MESH 
GC Consumable 04902020 25MICROL SGE SYRINGE 25ARNGSG7  
GC Consumable 04902076 5UL HAMILTON SYRINGE 7105/56 
GC Consumable 04904011 1/8 SS COLUMN PACKED  
GC Consumable 04904012 1/8 SS COLUMN PACKED  
GC Consumable 04904014 5M X 1/8" SS PACKED COLUMN  
GC Consumable 04904015 1/8 SS COLUMN PACKED  
GC Consumable 04904064 1MTRX1/4" EMPTY GLASS COLUMN  
UVS Consumable 04925002 U.V. LINEAR ABS. CHART  
IR Consumable 04960691 Nujol FT-IR Sampling Kit Supply, 100 mL  
GC Consumable 04960838 MOLECULAR SIEVE 5A LLETS. 
GC Consumable 04961071 Septum  



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